Nuval Piano Studio

Piano Lessons in Waukesha County, Wisconsin

Filtering by Category: Practice Habits

Practice tip: Fingering

Here is a quick practice tip: if the fingering is there on the page, use it!

The editor, author, or composer took the time to figure out the most efficient way to navigate through the notes with less hand position changes and sometimes more easy ways to get through a difficult passage.

For the teaching pieces I use, i.e. the Faber method books, each student IS REQUIRED to follow what's there. It will make playing the piece easier, trust me!

Practice tip: for electric keyboard--use rhythm styles

Here's one big advantage electric keyboards have over acoustic pianos: the rhythm section! How do you make practice more fun and improve the steadiness in your tempo? Add a rhythm track while you practice.

Here are some tips on selecting the right rhythm track:

1) make sure the style matches the number of beats per measure. For example, a march is typically in four beats. A waltz is in three. A polka is in two. Many pop and euro beats are in four.
2) set the tempo according to what you want to accomplish: learning a piece for the first time=slower tempo, speed=start slow and keep increasing the tempo

Remember to have fun while you practice and don't fight the rhythm track, listen and let go!

Tip for parents: practice schedule

Consistency is king with music and your son or daughter's practice time falls in the same realm. Try and schedule the exact same time every day for practice and make sure they stick to it. This is where my assignment sheet comes in handy--mark down at the very least that they practiced that particular day or better yet, how much they practiced that day. This will help you keep track of their practice time.

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